Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cliff Dweller

Life is a mountain; we all go through ups and downs, rocky roads and bumpy trails. Life was designed this way, making us stronger. Our purpose is to reach the top, through blinding storms and icy slopes, we must reach that peak. We all slip and fall, but we persevere and climb...I live on a cliff, that's my life. Torn between a rock and a hard place. I live in the present, but cant forget the past. I am a cliff dweller, living on the rocky scale above the deep abyss of lies and deceit, holding on for my soul's sake. I'm going up, everyday I climb more and more. Yes; I fall, I slip, but there is always a ledge that grasps my hand back. I will reach the top, but as of now, I am a Cliff Dweller, stripped of it all, scaling the mountainsides in search of myself...

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